
“Scropinhusun”, the houses of Scropo, was first mentioned in a document around 790. Since 1310 Schrobenhausen has been a market town and in 1447 the town charter was granted to Schrobenhausen. Between 1971 and 1978 the former independent municipalities Steingriff, Hörzhausen, Sandizell und Mühlried were incorporated into Schrobenhausen.

Rampart and Town Fortifications

Many parts of the town wall, the former town fortifications, which can still be seen today, date back to the first half of the 15th century. Later on, the towers of the town fortification were changed into flats for civil servants.


Schranne is the name of the market, which was once held on the market place. Here is a painting of 1823 showing the old town hall.

Main Street

Here you see everyday life around 1900 on the main street, nowadays known as Lenbachstraße. Up to the middle of this century huge cattle markets were held there.

Coat of Arms

The town’s coat of arms displays a bear head. The white and blue rhombuses on the coat of arms date back to the former association to the “Wittelsbacher”, who had been reigning Bavaria as dukes and kings up to 1918.