
Erdstall „Ratgöbluckn”

Only a stone’s throw away from the Steinbrecherhaus is the Perger Erdstall, a network of underground caves, tunnels and catacombs fashioned by the hand of man during the Middle Ages as a hiding place and shelter from danger.


The biggest festival of the year, which takes place every late summer, offers a great variety of food and entertainment such as music, street entertainers , street artists and a programme for kids.

“Perger Präludium” – The Prelude of Perg

On August the 21st 1884 Anton Bruckner dedicated an organ-prelude to his friend, the mayor and organist, Josef Diernhofer. You can still see the commemorative plaque at his house.

Martin Neugschwendner

A plaque at the birthplace commemorates Martin Neugschwender, who emigrated to Schrobenhausen, settled their as rope maker and saved the town in 1704 from being sacked by the armies of Prince Eugene and the Duke of Marlborough.


Manner AG (plc), one of Austria’s leading confectionery companies, produces the well known and popular „Mannerschnitten” in Perg in the world’s biggest oven for waf-fles.